Хороскопа в joomla

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За да подкарате тоя код в joomla Ви трябва модул , които да позволява добавяне на php код, именно затова не се получава с HTML редактора. Има доста такива модули - например mod_php - This module allows you to add any html/javascript/css and PHP to a Joomla or Mambo module position. It can be used to add affiliate code, copy and paste codes, google adsense etc. You can copy the module using Joomla's module copy feature, to create multiple versions with different content. This is module is based on mod_html so has all the mod_html features, plus the ability to include php code. You can find some copy and paste code exmaples here: http://fijiwebdesign.com/content/view/94/55/1/1/