1. Liverpool, England - via
2. People, shot full of holes, appropriately across L.A. Police Department, other one - via

3. A little overweight, Erevan, Armenia
4. San Jose, Costa Rica - via

5. "Unfinished City of Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Project # 8" - via Erik
6. The Lady Fish, San Francisco - via Kurt Rogers / The Chronicle

7 and 8. More wonderful urban sharks in San Jose, California - via

9. Disabled statue on Trafalgar Square in London, more info - via
10. Finger sculpture, similar to "Le Pouce" one, in France - via

11. City of Wilmington's tribute to the 1898 Wilmington Race Riot - via Erik
12. "The Angel of the North" in Gateshead, England - via

13. Happy in Chattanooga, Tennessee - via Sean Phipps
14. Skull involved in non-traditional activity, Prague - via Patton

15. Nameless example somewhere in Russia
16. Don't come close - via

17. Armenia, Erevan - via
18. Nazgul is spotted in Prague, the same one sits in Salzburg, Austria - via

19. Instead of surveillance camera...
20. David Cerny's classic "Pissing Men", Prague - via

21. Monument to Franz Kafka, Prague - via
22. Heavenly angel, resting... Prague again - via

23. Marionette Theater in Prague - via
24. Potsdam, Germany - via

25. Chattanooga, Tennessey - via Sean Phipps
26. Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia - via

27. A guy and a horse melting into a blob - but rather, this is Baron Münchhausen, pulling himself up;
28. Watering problem solved, Wateringen, Holland - via

29. Beheaded "things", and pots... in Moscow - via

30. Resting from trouble, in Moscow - via

31. More Russian characters
32. A Street Sweeper, by Tzereteli - via

33. Hungry customers share a biscuit, via

34. Try to sit on this bench (street art by Brad Downey)
35. ...in the meantime something big and round is getting ready to fall; Barcelona, Spain

36. Turin, Italy
37. Illustration to the "Fox and Crow" fable by Krylov - via

38. A kiss in Kharkov, Ukraine
39. A fat, fat pigeon, Raffle Place, Singapore - via

40. Ear creature in Cologne, Germany
41. Buddies, in Cheltenham, England - via

42. Hidden in the trees, Amsterdam - via
43. "A Running Knot", frolicking in grass, - via

44. More plumbing atrocities, in Mytyschi, Moscow
45. Crying Skull Monument, in Malmö, Sweden at the Triangeln Square - via

46. Some parenting angst, in Vigelands Park, Oslo - Norway, more info - via

47. Holey umbrella in Minsk, Belarus
48. Bathers in Singapore - via

49. Is this troll (Seattle, Washington) -
50. - is reaching for this purse? (Melbourne, Australia) - via

51. Flying families, Moscow...
52. and overturned horses (by David Cerny, Prague) - via

53. Urban guys resting
54. and working... in Stockholm, Sweden, right outside Berzelii Park - via

55, 56. Weird faces in Moscow, via Tatiana Ionova

57. Statue in Hungary, definitely having issues...
58. Steampunk character, "Birth Machine Baby" by H. R. Giger, more - via

59. Spectacular urban "fountain" in Karlsruhe, Germany - via Ryan Stoker

60. A miserable student in one of Russian universities
61. And another miserable guy, Nuremberg, Germany - more

62. Bicycle in concrete, in Sarajevo.
63. FDR Memorial in Washington, DC - via

64. Downtown Salt Lake City, showing "Survival of the Fattest", info
65. Anatomy lesson in Manhattan - via

66. These ones are classics... Melbourne, Australia
67. Los Angeles, California - via

68. These are probably less known: "Cry in the Wilderness" in Minsk
69. and playful sculptures, unknown location

70. Some metamorphosis, unknown
71. Square head in meditation, in Nice, France - via

72. Strong!
73. and weak... Melbourne, Australia - via

74. Lenin having a break from politics

75. Russian chair stands firm on ice
76. Our melting economy, installation in Manhattan, more info - via

77. The Bear is doing great (Berlin)
78. ... and the Bull is dead (Manhattan), Photoshop? - via

79. While humans worship MacDonalds (with Photoshop help) ...
80. Apes are studying classics! - via

81. Mermaid milking herself, Bologna, Italy
82. and a guy, not really having a brain, looks like... - via

83. More milking, Treviso, Italy
84. and robot sculpture from "Laputa", Ghibli Museum in Mitaka, Japan - via
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